What is Logistics 4.0?

Before unraveling what Logistics 4.0 is about, it is necessary to understand the concept of Industry 4.0, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This term has become popular in recent years and aims to introduce complete automation into factories, through cyber-physical systems capable of carrying out self-diagnosis, self-configuration and self-optimization.

Everything is based on cutting-edge technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, in order to create a combination of intelligent networks incorporated into the supply chain (Supply Chain).

In this scenario, industries become leaner, more personalized and efficient, manufacturing only what is necessary to be sold quickly. Due to the advancement of industries, the storage and distribution of these products must evolve together and that is where Logistics 4.0 comes in as an evolution of traditional logistics, based on the need to increase investment in technology with the aim of expanding the fraction of the market that is controlled by the company (Market Share).

This technological evolution brings benefits to processes and results in any market sector, and logistics is no different. Let's look at some:

Loss reduction: Loss of goods is one of the main obstacles in logistics. After all, damage and loss increase costs and negatively affect results. With the application of technology, monitoring of storage and distribution is facilitated.

Accuracy in data analysis: Investment in cutting-edge technology to obtain information makes logistics more efficient. Systems using Machine Learning, that is, with the ability to identify patterns and evolve on their own, have great insights that automate processes.

Cost reduction: Loss reduction, transport optimization and automation result in a large reduction in operational costs. For this reason, the company becomes more competitive.

Customer Satisfaction: By implementing Logistics 4.0, the company provides an excellent service, increasing customer satisfaction.

Break paradigms with the new possibilities of Logistics 4.0 and understand the breadth of new opportunities. Transform your operations by investing in people, processes and technology.

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